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Ethan Bassford
Jun 18, 201915 min read
Europe 2019: Mannheim
In Mannheim, we play our first festival of the trip, Maifeld Derby. It turns out to be a racetrack and the surrounding grounds. The green...
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Ethan Bassford
Mar 25, 201912 min read
Treefort, part 2
Our next stop is the Knitting Factory to see Yamantaka // Sonic Titan. Where is there not a Knitting Factory these days? Back in my day...
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Ethan Bassford
Mar 24, 20199 min read
Treefort, part 1
The flight to Boise leaves at 7 AM, which means waking up around 6. I always pack in two stages, attempting a complete pack and allowing...
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Ethan Bassford
Sep 30, 201811 min read
Moon 2r: Part 7
Mahall’s is a bowling alley with food and a bar as well as shows, and it is huge. Upon arrival we are greeted with the most attractively...
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Ethan Bassford
Sep 20, 201811 min read
Moon 2r: Part 6
The Chicago show is at the Hideout, where I am told we played seven or eight years ago. It feels cozy and lived in, like a neighborhood...
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Ethan Bassford
Sep 18, 201815 min read
Moon 2r: Part 5
We stay at Chris’s place in Knoxville. It is a nice big place and he owns it, which is nuts to me. We’re the same age! I wonder if I will...
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Ethan Bassford
Sep 15, 201810 min read
Moon 2r: Part 4
In Atlanta, we sleep late and I am drafted to make breakfast. The house has a beautiful giant kitchen with every possible knife and...
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Ethan Bassford
Sep 13, 20189 min read
Moon 2r: Part 3
The show in Richmond is at Gallery5, a favorite stop of ours. Openers Haybaby and Dazeases are fantastic. Haybaby we know from New York,...
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Ethan Bassford
Sep 12, 201810 min read
Moon 2r: Part 2
In Boston, we wake up to bagels and coffee. We eat quickly and without relish even though the bagels are quite good. I don’t think anyone...
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Ethan Bassford
Sep 10, 20186 min read
Moon 2r: Part 1
I fully intend to sleep in on the first day of tour, but I’m wide awake by 9:30. I finish packing and have a leisurely breakfast, a bacon...
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Ethan Bassford
Jan 28, 20173 min read
On Bending
I had been working on a post on and off about different types of bass strings I like, and some extra-geeky minutiae about work I’ve done...
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Ethan Bassford
Sep 15, 20169 min read
A recipe of sorts
There’s a lot of loose talk out there about how long it takes to caramelize onions. It takes an inconvenient amount of time, during which...
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Ethan Bassford
Nov 17, 20157 min read
A Brush with History
I am at peace in Richmond. We have just finished playing a show with our friends and colleagues Manatree and Lucy Dacus, and now we’re on...
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Ethan Bassford
Jun 1, 201512 min read
Spring 2015 Tour: More Bad Stuff
We leave Weimar in the afternoon. I make a quick stop at Brenner’s to get some barbecue. I have now eaten at all three non-chain...
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Ethan Bassford
May 24, 20158 min read
Spring 2015 Tour: Not Schiller’s Weimar, The Other One
Carlos and I wake up at the crack of dawn to go to the mechanic, which opens at 7:30. It is a mile or so of walking along I-10. We are...
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Ethan Bassford
May 14, 201513 min read
Spring 2015 Tour: Good New Orleans and Bad New Orleans
New Orleans is consistently one of my favorite places to visit, and as always I feel a sense of peace descend on my mind as we roll...
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Ethan Bassford
May 12, 201510 min read
Spring 2015 Tour: Misadventures in Savannah
I remember Savannah from a few years ago, when we did not play but stopped to eat. We went to Wall’s Barbecue, a tiny shack-like building...
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Ethan Bassford
May 11, 201510 min read
Spring 2015 Tour: Wildlife
Our show in Richmond is at an art gallery. It is the senior show for an art school, which means we are surrounded by interesting fashion...
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Ethan Bassford
May 5, 201510 min read
Spring 2015 Tour: In Which I Discover Sardines
Our show in Philly is at the Pharmacy, a coffee shop with a tiny and oddly-shaped stage. I order an espresso, which hits the spot. We are...
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Ethan Bassford
May 1, 201513 min read
Spring 2015 Tour: In Which I Purchase Another Unnecessary Pedal
As usual, getting out of the city takes longer than expected. I have to retrieve my laundry, which entails waiting for the B54 bus for an...
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