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Ethan Bassford
Jan 30, 20143 min read
Perception Exercise 3: The Sounds are Coming from Inside the Sound
When a string or whatever object vibrates at a constant rate you assign a pitch to it, but there is never only one pitch. The string...
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Ethan Bassford
Jan 19, 20142 min read
Perception Exercise 2: G = G ^ ~G
Set the EQ flat on your bass and amp. If you normally use an overdriven or “hot” sound, set it to clean. Play an open G. Play it a bunch....
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Ethan Bassford
Jan 19, 20142 min read
Perception Exercise 1: The Whole Hog
This is one of the few exercises you should do without a metronome. You are not aiming for perfect execution, you are evaluating what is....
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